
2007-09-07 7:41 am

回答 (3)

2007-09-07 10:46 pm
有工開未? 如果未有 e-mail 比我啦, 有工介紹, 正當的.
[email protected]
2007-09-07 8:22 am
If you have form 5 level and 5 subject pass (inculding of the englich and chinese), wellcome to visit our company website : www.hactl.com > english version > about us > employee recruitment.
But the location near at Hong Kong International Airport (cargo area)

參考: There is my working place (over 10 years)
2007-09-07 7:48 am
我公司請人呀 , 辨房助理 , 人工 5000 - 5500 , 9:30 - 6:30 , 對人造首飾影相跟住擺上公司網頁 , 如有興趣 , email 比我 : [email protected]

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