
2007-09-07 7:16 am

要多d points


回答 (1)

2007-09-07 8:52 am
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My expectation (期望) to the English lesson.
As my English foundation (基礎) is not so good, I hope that the teacher can help me or the class to make improvement (改善) in a certain extent (某程度上) by means of (透過) the below solutions (方法).
- The whole class must talk in English during the lesson. Otherwise (否則), there is punishment (懲罰). This is to strengthen (加強) our oral (口語) ability (能力). Definitely (肯定), our English teacher is the judge (公正人). throughout (貫徹) the lesson.
- In order to enhance (增加) the fun (趣味), the teacher can hold (舉行) English games occasionally (偶然). Of course, there are prizes (獎品) for those winners (勝利者). To reward (獎勵) and to punish (懲罰), this is a fair (公平的) play (玩法). As a matter of fact (事實上), who wants to doze off (打瞌睡) in the classroom. Somehow (可知), the text book (教科書) is really boring (沉悶). We need inspiration (鼓舞人心的人或事) and creation (創意). The flexible (彈性旳) teaching way can enable (促使) us to focus on (專心) learning new things. As for the playing methods (玩法), maybe, we can further (再) collect (收集) ideas from the class.
- In addition (再者), I hope that there is certain (若干) free (自由的) hours per week (每週). The class can ask any questions regarding (有關) the grammar (文法) or tense (時態). In general (一般來說), the teacher explain (講解) briefly (簡略地) the book content (內容) in a flow process (流水作業). If we have additional (額外的) time to raise our questions (發問), we can have thorough (完全的) understanding (明瞭) then.

2007-09-09 22:34:51 補充:
Tks for the great support & adoption in person by 紫月! In regard to item 1 & 2, they are practical. As for item 3, it is too ideal. Since the teahcing time table is always very tight, there is not much redundant time for any extra teaching.
參考: My creation (創作)

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