✔ 最佳答案
don't be the dim sum of fund manager, they are increased their share holding (29/8) in before the company stop the share exchange (30/8) which they proposed the audit report is positive, however the actual have been announced 2.3b may be uncertain account receivable and may be some amount need to write off on 1/9.
For 48, the turnover 05/06 are 6b and the net profit is only 0.3b and the old long term debt 1.8b & new long term debt is 1.1b and the current cash is only around 1.2b. After the share price from 7.17 to now 0.77 the captial already decreased to 1b and is not enough for covering the debt interest, if bankers request the debt to be settled immd (as 48 chairman said in sick & still not perform his daily operate duty in the company & against the terms on the long terms debt) bankers have their own right to request 48 to settle the long term debt in immd due.
Pls refer david webb site, it's very important on his clear evaluation on 48, if not on his valuable evaluation, it's just another story of moulin and those people being the looser at the highest market price. Pls must read very carely in before you decide to buy any share of any problematic company.