grammar 問題+不明句子意思

2007-09-06 5:53 pm time , he found himself graying and wearing looser pants and in a state of weary acceptance , that this was who he was and who he would always be, a man with sand in his shoes in a world of mechanical laughter and grilled frankfurters .

that this was who he was ??
---點解又that 又this??

a man with sand in his shoes in a world of mechanical laughter and grilled frankfurters . ----黎句中文係咩?????

2. like his father before him,like the patch on his shirt , eddie was mainteance. -like his father before him即係點解??? 3.joe was the oldest , the firstborn , but it was eddie who did the fighting . -我想問 it was eddie 即係點解?? -如果寫it was eddie doing the fighting 有冇問題???


4 after that , joe didn't talk to him for months . -如果想將didn't talk 轉做 perfect tense , 咁應該係haven't talked 定 hadn't talked ?? -後面有for months , 點解用didn't taik 而唔係perfect tense? 5.eddie was a block away , on a stoop. 唔好意思...a block away 點解??? thx~~~


to hahatse: 唔好意思, 2. like his father before him,like the patch on his shirt , eddie was mainteance. 點解like his father before 後面要加 him?? 直接寫like his father before 可以嗎???


仲有第4題... 4 after that , joe didn’t talk to him for months . 雖然通常有for 一段時間,會用perfect tense,但若重點不在完成時,用過去式即可。所以就可以用:joe did not talk to him for months. 我想問咩叫"重點不在完成時"???

回答 (1)

2007-09-06 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案 time , he found himself graying and wearing looser pants and in a state of weary acceptance , that this was who he was and who he would always be, a man with sand in his shoes in a world of mechanical laughter and grilled frankfurters .
that this was who he was ??
---點解又that 又this??
首先要指出,that在這裏是用作關係代名詞,來代表a state of weary acceptance,而this是用作代名詞用來帶出who he was and who he would always be(評述子句comment clause)(他是這樣和他總是這樣)
a man with sand in his shoes in a world of mechanical laughter and grilled frankfurters . ----黎句中文係咩?????
2. like his father before him,like the patch on his shirt , eddie was mainteance.
-like his father before him即係點解???
3.joe was the oldest , the firstborn , but it was eddie who did the fighting .
-我想問 it was eddie 即係點解?? -如果寫it was eddie doing the fighting 有冇問題???
補充時間:2007-09-06 09:53:36
it was eddie(和這是eddie意思差不多,但在中文翻譯裏,連這個it也不會翻出來,只會說:是eddie 去為生計拼博〔或譯:”是eddie去賺錢”就夠了〕)
許多時,分詞子句(participle clause)也代替關係子句(relative clause),作為一種省略。所以it was Eddie doing the fighting應該沒有問題
4 after that , joe didn’t talk to him for months .
-如果想將didn’t talk 轉做 perfect tense ,
咁應該係haven’t talked 定 hadn’t talked ?
-後面有for months , 點解用didn’t taik 而唔係perfect tense?
雖然通常有for 一段時間,會用perfect tense,但若重點不在完成時,用過去式即可。所以就可以用:joe did not talk to him for months.
若這句用完成式,則要用過去完成式(past perfect tense),因為:相信這篇文章是小說,那麼基準時間就是故事所發生的過去,若基準時間不是現在(寫故事的時間)而是過去,那麼就要用過去完成式(因現在完成式是以現在為基準)
after that Joe had not talked to him for months.

5.eddie was a block away , on a stoop.
唔好意思...a block away 點解???
a block away就是”一個街口遠”的意思

2007-09-12 09:17:57 補充:
說甚麼是”重點不放在完成”這話,可能有點難以解釋,如:句子已有after, before等已清楚交代先後的連接詞時,句子就無須交代動作前後,如:He arrived after I started= He arrived after I had started.

2007-09-12 09:22:43 補充:

2007-09-12 09:25:29 補充:
a)的情況有 He worked in that bank for four years.(but he does not work there now) She lived in Rome for a long time.(but she is not living there now)b)的情況有 My grandmother once saw Queen Victoria Did you ever hear Maria Callas sing?這種用法也是簡單過去式的一種用法,你的問句就是用了這種用法。希望你明白!

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