what are the cons of becoming an actress?

2007-09-05 12:37 pm
I really want to be an actress but like i hear so many rumors..esp. in bollywood. Can any1 tell me some cons on becoming an actress plz..thx

回答 (5)

2007-09-05 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the downside is that there is TONS of competition. And talent does not mean you will rise to top (there are many , many, many famous actresses who aren't very talented). I would make sure that you get some training at the college or university level, this will go a long way in helping you get an agent and preparing you for auditioning and performing, it will hone what talent you were born with, it will not give you talent, just hone it.

While you work at building your resume, you will need to have a "joe job" that pays the bills. Usually shift work or another flexible scheduling work place, which are hard to come by outside of waitressing and store clerking.

I think there's a misconception about the amount of work out there and how easy it is to get it, in my city (one of the largest in North America), there isn't a lot of work right now and there are a lot of actors who want it. It's a very hard business to succeed in. Keep in mind that many, not all but many, of the actresses you see in films had in to the business, usually through a family member or from starting at a very young age.

It's important to be realistic about acting, it's not all red carpets and press junkets, the majority of actors in North America make $12,000 a year or less from acting, they suppliment their income with 'joe jobs'.
2007-09-06 1:20 am
You will have a hard time getting work as an actress and when you do, it will not pay the bills until you are a featured actor in a big film or series. If you are determined and ready to face hardship and hard work, give it a go. If you would like help, click on my name, read my profile and write me at my aol address where I give free help to actors.
參考: I am a retired actor and professor
2007-09-05 9:11 pm
Getting cought up in the media and losing yourself in the proccess. Stay true to you and it should be fine.
2007-09-05 7:49 pm
One of the biggest cons of being an actor or actress is finding work. You won't become a big name star overnight, and in the mean time you'll spend a lot of time looking for available parts that fit your looks, experience, etc, and auditioning for parts hundreds of other aspiring actresses are trying for. Expect to spend a lot of time working a second, more steady job, and probably not very fun ones, such as "flipping burgers", waiting tables, telemarketing, etc.
參考: I worked the sound board for the Washington Shakespeare Festival. I've spoken with and heard these things directly from real local actors in my area.
2007-09-05 7:45 pm
Drugs & facelift lol

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