動物係唔係object ?

2007-09-06 7:57 am
動物係唔係object ?

回答 (2)

2007-09-06 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The word (Object) has the following meanings:

1. 物體 (body)
e.g. I saw an object in the cave.
In this case, 動物可以係 (object) .

2. 對象(purpose)
e.g. What is the object of his visit?
In this case, 動物唔係 (object) .

3. 受詞(in grammar)
e.g. I saw a cat.
In this case, 動物係 (object) .

2007-09-09 6:03 pm
動物係object .

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