
2007-09-06 7:39 am
聽日就係 eason 演唱會公開發售 ..

我知道通利琴行 .. 同埋 城市售票網都有得買 ..



我本來想去通利買ga cuz 近我屋企 ..

我想問 ? 其實公開發售係一間舖就即刻有得買架啦 ?

如果我係通利買飛,咁會唔會汁輸架 ..cuz 城市9點就開

咁我係咪如果想買到好位,係咪應該要去城市xx買呢 ?

回答 (1)

2007-09-06 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
No need to go 城市 in person.
Just use the phone call and reserve the ticket, and then go to Tom Lee and pick up the ticket later, it is the better way ar....

2007-09-05 23:48:40 補充:
use the phone, call 城市, and reserve the ticket ar....
參考: myself

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