
2007-09-06 2:27 am

回答 (3)

2007-09-06 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-09-06 6:41 am
Before the Second World War, almost all countries in Asia were being colonised by the West. Japan was perhaps the only country which had never been colonised because of Meiji Modernisation.
Under colonisation, Asians were being racially discriminated, Asian resources were being exploited for the economic benefit of the West.
As it had already been highly industrialised, Japan viewed himself as the big brother in Asia, other Asian countries were his younger or weaker brothers.
According to the Japanese concept of an orderly society, order could be established if the young obeys the elderly, the junior follows the senior, the wife listen to the husband etc. It was very similar to the Chinese Confucianist thinking. Furthermore, the Japanese believed force from the elderly or the senior could be used against the younger ones in order to restore the order. When all the brothers, young and old, perform their role properly, order will be restored and enjoyed by everybody.
In view of the fact that most Asian countries were mere colonies of the West before the Second World War, Japan, looking upon himself as the bigger brother in Asia, intended to free his younger brothers from colonisation by force and to establish an Great East Asian Economic Prosperity Sphere so as to counter the influence and economic exploitation from the West. Violence was used in order to achieve this goal.
The bringing down of colonial governments were by way of military force and occupation with cruelty against the native people. especially those who were anti-Japansese. Therefore Japan became 侵略者.
In this reply, I have not considered 侵略者in its economic sense or cultural sense from 1970s till now as I believe 侵略者 is neither a relevant nor appropriate term in both senses.
參考: flash of mind
2007-09-06 2:47 am
參考: 歷史

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