
2007-09-06 12:58 am

1) 如客人到公司我第一句應該甚樣說呢?

2) 如叫客人等一會又應該甚樣說呢?

3) 如客人要去洗水間,我應該甚樣帶他去呢?

4) 如問客人想要飲茶或咖啡應該甚樣說呢?


回答 (3)

2007-09-06 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Good morning/afternoon, Can I help you sir/madam?

2) Please wait for awhile/ just a moment please, sir/madam

3) May be I can go with you, this way please, madam

4) Would you like some coffee or tea please, madam
參考: self knowledge
2007-09-06 1:09 am
1) Good morning (Good afternoon), Sir/ Madam! May I help you?

客人 would usually respond:
I have an appointment with xxx at x o'clock.

Then it will be time to call your colleague to advise that the 客人 has arrived.

Then you'll say:
2) One moment please. Please have a seat while I ask my colleague xxx to join (meet) you.

3) This way please. (then you can show the 客人 to the toilet while walking)

4) Excuse me. What would you like to drink? We have Chinese tea, coffee and soft drinks.
2007-09-06 1:05 am
1. good morning / good afternoon , may i help you ?

2. please wait for a moment.

3. 洗手間 ?? let me show you the way to washroom. 其實你講完呢句之後一路帶佢行就得 , 到達門口就話 here it is.

4. which one do you prefer , tea or coffee ?

2007-09-05 17:07:44 補充:
or 4. which one do you like , tea or coffee ? / would you like trying some tea or coffee ?
參考: meee

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