
2007-09-05 9:50 pm
1.today, it so happened , was Eddie's birthday , his birthday.
-it so happened ???咩來的??

2.here we go /

3 had he known his death was imminent , he might have gone somewhere else.
-我想問點解第一個句子可以有2個verbs?? had known 同 was .
- 第二句點解用have gone 呢??
-用he might go somewhere else 得唔得??

4.his pale brown uniform suggested a workingman , and a working man he was .

5.everyone has an idea of heaven, as do most religions. -我想問as do most religions 點解 ?? -個do 有咩用?? -唔要得唔得??


6.he spoke of a night in the hospital when he awoke to see the souls of his departed loved ones sitting on the edge of the bed , waiting for him. -我想問一個句子可以出現好多個to-infinite 同gerund ??? -spoke of a night 點解?? thx~~


我想問點解個ones 要加s 用one 得唔得??


to lotus0776: 咁of a night 個of 係咩意思?? 解"有" ?? thx~~~

回答 (2)

2007-09-05 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. happen可解作碰巧,it so happened就是這樣碰巧
2.here we go的意思是,我們去喇!
  若你去過迪士尼,當小飛像遊戲機就快開始的時候,工作人員會說:here we go,即”我哋去喇”的意思
3.點解有兩個verb,其實這句全寫是:had he known (that) his death was imminent 而that常會被省略,所以你可以看到,這是一句複合句(complex sentence),所以就可以有兩個verb
- 第二句點解用have gone 呢??-用he might go somewhere else 得唔得??
  might have +原形動詞,是帶有猜想的意思,即現在說話者本身,猜想他當時或許會到別的地方去(但他不確定)。
  而might go 就沒有帶猜想的意思,文法沒有錯,但意思卻稍有分別
4.his pale brown uniform suggested a workingman , and a working man he was
5.everyone has an idea of heaven, as do most religions.
-我想問as do most religions 點解 ?? -個do 有咩用??-唔要得唔得??
  英文喜歡用省略法,這裏就是用了這種手法,用do代替之前的一堆字”has an idea of heaven”,所以,若你不嫌累贅的話,你可以將句子寫成:everyone has an idea of heaven, as/so most religions have an idea of heaven. 若你不全寫句子,就用do來代替這堆字。但千不可沒有do,因沒有do就出現了主詞沒有動詞了。
6.he spoke of a night in the hospital when he awoke to see the souls of his departed loved ones sitting on the edge of the bed , waiting for him.
-我想問一個句子可以出現好多個to-infinite 同gerund ???
-spoke of a night 點解??

speak of a night in hospital...,就是”他述及在醫院的某天晚上...”
ones是one的眾數,是”一些”的意思,如:Which ones have you read?你讀過哪些書?
若你留意原句,he awoke to see the souls of his departed loved ones sitting on the edge of the bed,”the souls”也是用眾數形,所以是一些他所愛但已離世的人。
2007-09-05 10:30 pm
1. it so happen - 咁啱,有原本不知道,突然發現的意思
2. here we go - 可以解「係到」,「我地去這個方向」。邊個啱,要睇成句。
3a. 頭 1 部份是 that 這個字 沒有放在句子中。英文是可以有些情況減省 that 這個字。
3b. 文法可以,但意思有些分別。might have gone - 去咗, might go - 會去。分到嗎?
4. 你沒有提出你要問甚麼,所以將這包翻譯。
5. do 是加重語氣,不落文法上仍是對的。
6a. 英文中每一主句只可有一個動詞,每一子句一個動詞。其它的便要轉為 to-infinitive 或 gerund。長的句子易出錯。你自己作文時,可以用較簡單的句子。
6b. 你把句子分錯,應是 he spoke - 他說 of a night - 有一個晚上

7. one 是用在單數
ones 是用於一班人其中一個

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