
2007-09-05 11:41 am
本人的老公為美國公民,手持美國護照,我們兩年前在美國註冊結婚 (並沒有在香港註冊)。我想問 :
1 若他希望居住在港及工作,可以嗎?
2 要否向美國政府報稅?
3 佢有資格取一粒星的香港身份証嗎?
4 要取得甚麼証件才可工作嗎?

Thank You!

回答 (4)

2007-09-05 12:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 100% sure he can stay in HK and at first he can get an temporary HKID card if you are Hong Kong permanent resident.

2). I m not sure if he will has to pay tax to USA in case he will stay and work in Hong Kong. This you should check in USA or he should know about how is the law in USA.

3) As i said if you are Hong Kong permanent resident he can go to Hong Kong immigration centre to apply one temporary HKID card with one star.

4) About working visa you can check http://www.immd.gov.hk/chtml/topical_3_4.htm
參考: www.immd.gov.hk
2007-09-20 1:37 pm
tax filing is a must for US citizens
2007-09-05 6:42 pm
2 要否向美國政府報稅?
2007-09-05 2:06 pm
1. Your husband can stay and work in HK as you are a holder of HK ID CARD 香港永久居民, then you can apply for him a TEMPORARY PERMANENT ID CARD 香港居民...then he can work legally in HK...
2. Your husband work in HK then he don't need to pay Taxes in USA..
3. You have to check with the Immigration Department in Hong Kong (case by case) ..because It depends...
4. As I said if he get ID card, He can find job....
參考: My friend is from USA but work in HK

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