regarding 1800

2007-09-05 6:11 am
can anyone help me ,pls??? i bought 1800 at 18.1 i crazy??

回答 (2)

2007-09-05 8:16 am

24/08/2007(17:43) 01800 中國交通建設公告及通告-「董事會召開日期」

董事會會議召開日期 (42KB, PDF)


再看1800本身的2006年年報 ,其四項業務營業額複合增長率(03至06年),分別是基建建設業務是32%,基建設計業務是36.8%,疏浚業務是36.2%,港口機械製造業務是47.1% ,平均38.025%;再看整體營業額06年比05年升38%,利潤升44.3%,本公司權益持有人應佔利潤升45.7%,每股盈利0.29元人民幣(05年0.2元人民幣),上升45%。因此綜合及粗略估計其各項增長率約 40至45%,假如股本不變,盈利增長不變(45%),07年每股盈利約有 0.4205元(0.29 x 1.45 ),以股價18.1元計,市盈率約為 43倍,因增長率約40至45%計,PEG約是1.075至0.96,少於1屬高增長,多過1則不太合理,或不抵買了。(43 ÷40 或 43 ÷ 45 )
不過要確實去分析,還要看其07年中期業績的數據作參考,再加上市場的氣氛等。初步看暫時上升空間不多,還是趁股價升過18.1元以上,伺機沽出。是耶?非耶?一切決定在於自已。Good luck!

2007-09-08 00:19:19 補充:
中交建上半年盈利急升1.53倍 2007年9月7日 06:38:00 p.m. HKT, XFNA 詳見公告及通告 - [中期業績] 截至二零零七年六月三十日止六個月之中期業績公告

2007-09-08 00:29:42 補充:
07年中期每股盈利0.19元人民幣,比同期上升何止90%(因股本增大很多),假設全年每股盈利上升90%計,0.29 x 1.9 = 0.551元,增長率維持40至45%,以18.1股價計,PE約32.85倍,PEG在0.82125至0.73,仍屬抵買之列,自標價暫定22.04至24.8元( 0.551 x 40 或0.551 x 45 )(以上純屬個人意見,資料不全,分析和研究方法或有錯。)

2007-09-08 00:33:21 補充:
簡單地說,暫看22至24元。You're not crazy.
2007-09-05 6:28 am
If you purchased the shares at a very high price, you must consider your objective - are you speculating or are you investing? If you speculate, and you expect a serious downturn on the stock market, you can choose to liquidate, holding on to cash and wait for another time. If you invest, you can see that the P/E is 60 over, and unless you believe the trading results can boost up at a very high ratio (many Chinese experts believed the strong growth of China's economy and that is why most of the A shares' P/E can be as high as 80 or over). This is something that belongs to your expection on the profit growth of the company and I am not the expert that can give you an unbias comment.

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