急問 中一英文功課

2007-09-05 4:50 am
我既英文功課係估問答= ="

1. it is time for recess . The teacher asks the students to leave the classroom.They have to line up, so the teacher said ...................
2. the teacher asks the students to take out the longman target and read page 1 , so he said ...............
3. it is winter time and the students feel very cold , o the teacher asks a student to do something

回答 (2)

2007-09-05 5:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Please line up in a row, we are going to leave the class room
2. Please take out the longman target and read page 1
3. Wear his/her jacket
4. All the students pass their homework to the first row
5. I don't know how to read this word

I don't really understands whats it talking about, because it says "The teacher asks the students to leave the classroom.They have to line up, so the teacher said ...................
" do this mean that the teacher already asked the students, but the "so" makes me really puzzled. These answears might be wrong, 希望幫到你la
2007-09-05 4:59 am
1. It's time for recess. Line up, please!
2. Take out the Longman Target. Turn to page one and start reading it.
3. Turn off the fans/ air conditioner, please!/
Shut the windows, please!
4. Pass up your homework books, please! /
Hand in your homework, please!
5. I'm sorry! I don't know how to read/pronounce this /that word.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:19:29
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