S3 Geog. 問題

2007-09-05 4:26 am
我的GEOGRAPHY的課本是用Interactive GEOGRAPHY 3A的...
老師什麼都沒有教就叫我們做工作紙 = =

1) Textbook p.5
Tree in TRF (Tropical rainforests) grow fast all year around, dense and are EVERGREEN, then why are trees evergreen?

2) Textbook p.6-7
There is layered structure in TRF (i.e. trees are grown in layers), and trees have the following characteristics:
- Tall
- Straight trunk
- Broad crown
- High branching (樹本為高分支樹)

Then why do trees grow in this way?

唔該晒喇 -v-

回答 (2)

2007-09-05 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The rainfall is abundant all the year, with no seasonal variation. With rainfall (water), plants are able to grow up well all the year, and therefore evergreen
2. - Tall: to absorb as much sunlight as possible (due to very dense canopy)
- straight trunk: since the trees has to grow up as tall as possible to absorb sunlight, trunk is very straight
- broad crown: canopy of tree develop vertically and horizontally to allow maximum photosynthesis for growth
- branching of tree is high due to great height of tree (over 40-50m for canopy layer)
2007-09-05 4:59 am
1) The trees are evergreen because:
a) the temperature in the TRF is high all the year round, with an average of about 30℃.
b) the annual rainfall is high (over 2000 mm) and it rains all the year.

2) There are many species of trees in the TRF. The trees grow very close together and sunlight is blocked . It is dark near the ground level of the TRF. In order to get more sunlight to carry out photosynthesis (光合作用) , the trees tend to have tall and straight trunks, broad crown and high branching.
(Green plants make their own food by a process called photosynthesis (光合作用) )

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:18:24
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