二手 toyota prius 點解咁平呢? 會唔會有咩問題,有d咩要注意

2007-09-04 11:43 pm
我想買呢個toyota prius,
但係其他prius 2003年ge 二手價多佢成倍..
十萬火急呀..!!!thank you!!
請講details 少少...^^
here is the website of that car

回答 (4)

2007-09-14 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我自己1年前in HK買左部 New Toyota Prius.唔計牌費、全保費、加政府減稅買左$200000幾。
In HK 2003 2手Prius 買$120000-13XXXX。如果03 Prius 賣 $9000USD, = HKD 約$70200。 差5萬幾6萬 bo!!!
而且你自已都識話<多佢成倍>啦!! 根據市場價定律,E部Prius一定有野la。

Your second question:應該點樣check? 有d咩要注意gar?
I think check 車is a very easy job.
第一,部prius 禁平,好大機會撞過一鑊大鑊野and then 整翻。(你可以check 下部車o嘅record)
第二,check 下部prius行既里數可能係同年份既4-5倍。
第三,部prius既維修保養: Prius 同一般車ng同,因為行得愈多車尾個主電會打柴通常(5-7年or 100000-150000KM),要乘$20000幾HKD。
第四,check 下部車 車身損耗、engine性能、engine number 係咪同牌簿一樣、有冇定期換機油 and brake油、散熱劑、車頭冷氣機D散熱鋁片有冇俾石仔整穿到(穿左整要成$2-3萬蚊架)。

I think my information can help you to buy a good car!
Thank you for your question.
參考: common sense + my experience
2007-09-14 12:29 am
I am driving second hand Prius in HK. In the second market, many factors determine the resell value, e.g. condition, outlook, painting, etc.

Just like other cars, reasons for exceptionally low price could be:

crashed and repaired
water drained
engine or other hidden problems

Battery is relatively long lasting and stable than the engine. But if you find average milage much less than 44mpg, the battery could be a problem.

If you are not expert, find a mechanics or friend go check it out before making any decision. Good luck.
2007-09-05 10:26 am
咁又冇一倍咁多. 我去過Kelley Blue Book 個網頁(www.kbb.com)查呢架車Private Party嘅價錢, 約$13xxx左右啦. 不過佢賣$9000咁平可能真係有D問題. 你最好問賣方攞份carfax report, 或者問佢攞個VIN#, 自己去www.carfax.com用幾十蚊run個report, 睇吓架車嘅紀錄係咪乾淨, 之後試埋車都ok嘅架車咪ok囉.

2007-09-19 20:54:17 補充:
連香港市場同外國市場都未分得開, 仲學人講咩市場價定律, B.S.!
美國同好多國家嘅Prius嘅Hybrid部件(包括電池)都係8年/100,000英里/160,000公里保證, you know?
再一次證明, 香港都係唔適合普選, voters are idiots.
2007-09-04 11:46 pm

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