
2007-09-04 11:39 pm
here are the steps:

seawater----------chemical process--->chlorine gas and gas X


name the chemical process

name gas X

回答 (2)

2007-09-05 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
The process for the above equation is Electrolysis. Sea water is passed through the process of electrolysis and it is decomposed into chlorine gas and hydrogen gas. Therefore Gas X in the equation is hydrogen gas. The seawater in the process will become sodium hyfroxide solution.

(Sodium hydroxide is a compound made up of sodium, hydrogen and oxygen.)

2007-09-05 00:07:53 補充:
Sorry, typing error!. It should be hydroxide, but not hyfroxide.P.S. Chlorine gas is formed at the positive electrode while hydrogen gas is formed at the negative electrode during electrolysis.
2007-09-04 11:53 pm
chemical process : electrolysis
gas X : hydrogen
because when electricity pass throngh sea water, chlorine gas is formed at the positive electrode and hydrogen gas is formed ar the negative electrode.
參考: my chemistry book

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