
2007-09-04 7:18 pm
1.It is a comfortable bus which can take you for a long journey.
It's also a person who trains you in a particular sport.

2.It is a container that you pull it when you open it.
It's also a person who can draw pictures.

係小學的 English riddles, 我完全唔明......


回答 (3)

2007-09-04 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.It is a comfortable bus which can take you for a long journey.
It's also a person who trains you in a particular sport.

-coach 【美】巴士,公車;【英】長途公車 2.(運動隊的)教練

2.It is a container that you pull it when you open it.
It's also a person who can draw pictures.


I don't know no. 2

2007-09-04 11:37:11 補充:
No.2 is drawer.
參考: me
2007-09-04 7:34 pm
1.a coach/ (普通)旅客車廂/長途公車

2.a painter/(油)漆工
2007-09-04 7:32 pm
1. coach

2. drawer

2007-09-04 11:38:32 補充:
drawer 也可解作 抽屜 或 櫃桶。

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