(急!!!)美國簽證, 星期一同星期五有分別嗎?

2007-09-04 6:27 pm
美國簽證去面試,星期一同星期五去有分別嗎? 聽說星期五holiday mood會容易批d,真的嗎?同埋,我要幾點鐘到領事館最好? 開門前到?

我係澳門人,咁係唔係唔洗預約就咁去就得,網上再預約會唔會保險d? 定會有反效果?

回答 (7)

2007-09-05 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
不過最好well prepare啦..因為見到前面好幾個都填漏野..我排第十幾個...但到我拎蛋我都係第五個咋!!!我上網填好晒d野...全部唔好漏空 無o既就打n/a...
你想快 就記得帶齊公司信 passport...print左o個張form..銀行張recipt..同影佢所講o既証件相 咁就話咁易俾你入去
我今日見o個個就係4號窗...男人黎o既~其實放鬆d...同佢有講有笑tim喎我~佢問我去過usa未~我話未 佢問番我點解會去...我話想去disneyland..佢再問我同邊個去~我話自己去因為男朋友無假放...佢再問番我"go without boyfriend and go alone?"..我話係呀~所以有人會做我guide帶我去lor(o個個就係我填usa o個邊個contact person)..
我之前都問左好多問題 緊張到兩晚訓唔到...

gd luck!!

2007-09-06 12:44:01 補充:
參考: 自己今日成功申請到啦~
2007-09-04 7:31 pm
For travel visa, the best way to get it is to request a travel agent to do it for you by joining their tour package and then extend your stay in the U.S. It is very difficult for a single female to get a U.S. visa by yourself.

There is no difference whether you go on Monday or Friday. All that matters is whether you have enough proof to show the U.S. Counselate that you only go there for sight seeing and have no intention to stay behind. They are very much afraid you will go there and get married because that is the usual way most single women try to stay in U.S. If you are rich, it is the best way to show them you have at least six figure deposit in the bank or you have your parents to look after in Macau. Let them believe that you will not leave your parents alone in Macau.

If you decided to apply the visa yourself by going to HK, you have to go in the morning (arrive before 9:00) before there are many people there already. The afternoon section is just to confirm whether you are granted a U.S. visa.

If you are a Macau resident with Portuguese nationality (holding portuguese passport), there is no need for a U.S. visa.
2007-09-04 6:54 pm
其實無論是星期一或星期五去都一樣的, 最緊要帶齊所有的文件, 如入息證明, 公司批准放假紙等等。
早上去到最好, 好多人八點鐘就排隊, 而且好似只有上午才收申請表, 如果接受申請, 要隔日下午才可領回護照。
好似只有美國公民才會接受網上預約, 但既然你有美國領事館的網址, 上去看清楚會好啲
太多好似了, 因為美國領事館可能改動過美國簽證的申請要求或時間
2007-09-04 6:44 pm
參考: 自已辦過簽証
2007-09-04 6:41 pm
其實星期一至星期五都沒什麼關係, 但如要簽美國簽證, 一般女性會比男性困難, 因他們會擔心她們一去不返, 找人嫁騙取美國居留權.... 所以男性會好一點.... 只要證明自己不會一去不返, 銀行有錢, 一般都可批的. 但其實最易的辦法, 是參加旅行社的團, 由他們幫手簽證, 這樣一般也會比自己去快一點...... 如想自由行, 試下跟旅行社說stay behind 吧....
2007-09-04 6:37 pm
星期一或星期五都冇所謂, 只要帶齊文件同交錢就得lar~ 另外預約是必須要的。如果你冇預約紙, 就好難排到隊入去ga lar。by the way, 預約時會要求你填寫銀行入數紙的number。Good Luck
參考: myself
2007-09-04 6:30 pm
當然唔係! 幾時去都係咁批法.. 睇你遇到d咩領事架姐!
我個次係星期一去 咪又係批左..
幾點去無所謂 不過最好lunch後啦! 食飽飯等放工緊係想拿拿淋做完d野 哈哈!

2007-09-04 10:47:09 補充:
哦.. sorry呀 我個陣係student visa!其實travel visa應該好易批!!
參考: 希望幫到你

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