有冇grammar 錯?

2007-09-04 7:43 am
It is obviously to see that there is a big change of Charlie in the story.Remember at the beginning of the story, Charlie wanted his father's will really,but almost the all of his father's will was to offer a secrect person who is unknow.However,for the sake of his father's will,Charlie hardly to find the guy out and accidently knew her own's brother Ray.
He changed a lot when he met him,and finally he realized that what the love is,and it seemed to be a big real wealth.

回答 (2)

2007-09-04 10:03 am
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In the story, it is obviously to realize that there is a big change about Charlie. Recalled that at the beginning, Charlie really wanted to help his father. One of the wishes of his father was to offer(?) a secret person who was totally unknown to him. However, Charlie couldn't find that guy but accidently met his own's brother Ray.
He changed a lot while being with Ray. At the end, Charlie understood the meaning of love which seemed to be a big wealth to him.

If Charlie is a male, please use HIS not HER.
2007-09-04 8:03 am
It is obviously to see that there was a big change on Charlie in the story.Remember in the beginning of this story, Charlie really want to satisfy his father's will ,but all of his father's will is offering to an unknown person.However,for the sake of his father's will,Charlie find out her brother Ray is the unknown person ocassionally.
He changed a lot when they met, he realized what the love is, and it seemed to be a big real wealth.
參考: by self

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