用英文講 "大風吹"和介紹玩法 (急急急)

2007-09-04 7:40 am


2 請小朋友先拿走一張椅子,然後開始「大風吹」

3 教師說:「大風吹…有白襪子的人走!」

4 穿白襪子的小朋友要離開座位,找新的座位坐下來。

5 找不到位子的小朋友,就由這位小朋友開始「大風吹」,依此類推。

回答 (2)

2007-09-04 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The instructions of the game "The Wind Blows":

1. First, the teacher will bring the children to the playground bringing a chair with each of them.

2. Then, one of the children will be asked to take away his/her chair. The game "The Wind Blows" then starts.

3. The teacher will say, "The wind blows.... people with white socks will have to go!"

4. The children with white socks on will have to leave their seats and find a new seat.

5. The child who fails to find a seat will be the one to start the next round of "The Wind Blows". etc.

2007-09-03 23:53:40 補充:
上面個位朋友... 你d tense同grammar明顯地錯晒...就咁用翻譯器譯出黎既野係得唔到全面機意思架!!!!
2007-09-04 7:50 am
The gale blows the game to slight the law ︰

The teacher leads the child to arrive the drill ground, and asks them to carry the chair.

2 asks the child first to take away a chair, then the start "the gale blows"

3 teachers said that, "The gale blows... Has the white sock the person walks!"

4 puts on the white sock the child must leave the seat, looks for the new seat to sit down

5 finds the seat the child, starts "the gale by this child to blow", infer from this.
參考: 全靠我自己

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