cathy pacific 既 flight attendant!!

2007-09-04 6:50 am
請問有無人係cathy pacific 做 FA呀??


- Online apply 後, 通4會幾時有feelback呀??
- 1st interview 會有咩問題會問呀???
- 2nd interview 有會係點嫁??

回答 (2)

2007-09-04 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
一個星期內會有人打電話比你通知你幾時去interview (用英文同你講的)

1st interview會度高同埋group interview, 我個次group interview就有12人, 一齊討論佢比ge問題...整個都係用英文的. 我個次就問有5 個travellers stay o係HK for 6 hrs, 你會建議佢地去邊...etc

2nd interview 就係personal的, 都係問你問題, 睇你答問題的反應..etc

good luck!
參考: myself
2007-09-04 10:27 pm
大約1week 會打比你~use eng,會問你小小personal data, such as id no...
first interview is group interview, about 10 people, there will be sometimes for self intro, then discuss on a topic, you will know the result immediately, a yellow card will give to everyone, if there have a time for 2nd in, then u pass.
2nd interview is individual interview, be4 that, that will check ur passport, cert. etc..and then an interviewer will ask u some questions.....

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