
2007-09-04 6:12 am
題目:My Expectations and Fears about Studying in Form 6

回答 (1)

2007-09-05 8:21 am
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Studying in form six for the first time can be a terrifying experience. There is an exasperating anxiety of the unknown since one is charting an untrodden path with so many uncertainties. In such a situation, one tends to feel nervous about the myriad details that could possibly go wrong, although the fear does diminish with experience.

When I first joined the class, I was advised that one needs to spend extra hours in preparation for every subjects. While there are really no hard and fast rules about preparing for exams, the importance of preparation can never be over emphasised. This
is because the more prepared a student is, the more confident the student will be in facing the examination. Therefore,I have always abided by the unwritten rule that it is far safer to prepare more material to read within what the allotted time allows than less.

I indeed have nothing to fear because i have got lots of great friends to help me in my studies.

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