
2007-09-04 4:56 am
訂完時佢話會send個confirmation俾我, 但係一直收唔到.
send過e-mail去問又無覆, 打hotline 2882 8822一係唔通一係就無人聽,
我想知究竟訂唔訂到可以點做? 如果佢地一直唔覆係咪當cancel?

回答 (2)

2007-09-04 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因我之前亦有你這個疑問,後來我 send e-mail及留低聯絡電話給威尼斯人度假村,
其實你一確認,即時有個confirmation number比你,就表示已辦妥!
如忘記confirmation number,只要你去到威尼斯人度假村時,
出示身分證便一樣可check in!!!
2007-09-04 5:38 pm
I think first of all, you need to contact citibank and see if they have already charged your credit card. Is this a joint venture with citibank and venetian? If yes, you can ask citibank's help to chase for the hotel confirmation. Or you can call the main hotel line 28828888 and see if they can help you to find the staff from hotel reservation. Good Luck!

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