朱古力獎門人 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

2007-09-04 4:35 am
我想知 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory的大概劇情 and 重點? 唔該幫下手><



回答 (4)

2007-09-04 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案




在巧克力工廠的歷險中威利·旺卡講述了他的童年經歷。他的父親是名牙醫——Wilbur Wonka,他從不讓威利·旺卡吃任何糖果盒巧克力,並總提醒威利·旺卡糖果對牙齒的危害。威利·旺卡忍受不了這些,並最後離家出走,開了這家巧克力工廠。


參考: me
2007-09-04 6:10 am

  Every night, in their tiny, tumbledown, drafty old house, the last thing Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore) and his family sees from their window before drifting off to sleep, is Willy Wonka's (Johnny Depp) extraordinary candy factory. One day Willy Wonka makes a momentous announcement. He will open his famous factory and reveal "all of its secrets and magic" to five lucky children who find golden tickets hidden inside five randomly selected Wonka chocolate bars. Nothing would make Charlie's family happier than to see him win, but the odds are very much against him as they can only afford to buy one chocolate bar a year.
參考: yesasia.com
2007-09-04 4:40 am
Short :

A young boy wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker.


Charlie Bucket comes from a poor family, and spends most of his time dreaming about the chocolate that he loves but usually can't afford. Things change when Willy Wonka, head of the very popular Wonka Chocolate empire, announces a contest in which five gold tickets have been hidden in chocolate bars and sent throughout the country. The kids who find the tickets will be taken on a tour of Wonka's chocolate factory and get a special glimpse of the wonders within. Charlie miraculously finds a ticket, along with four other children much naughtier than him. The tour of the factory will hold more than a few surprises for this bunch. Written by rmlohner

Charlie Bucket is a young boy who comes from a poor but loving family and would love nothing more than to find a golden ticket to enter the amazing chocolate factory run by inventor and owner Willy Wonka. As luck would have it, Charlie finds the last golden ticket and goes on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure with his grandpa Joe. Among the other four winners are Veruca Salt, a spoiled rich girl; Augustus Gloop, a gluttonous kid who stuffs his face with sweets; Violet Beuragarde, a champion trophy gum chewer; and Mike Teavee, a kid who spends more time watching TV and playing video games than anything else. Most fascinating is the mysterious Willy Wonka who in turn had a troubled childhood and has a special grand prize at the end for one of the kids. Also along the tour are Wonka's staff the singing, working Oommpa Loompas.

Charlie Bucket, a boy from an impoverished family under the shadow of a giant chocolate factory, wins a candy bar contest and is given a tour, along with four other children, of the amazing factory run by the eccentric Willy Wonka and his staff of Oompa-Loompas.

The eccentric manufacturer of chocolates and candies Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp) promotes a tour through his chocolate factory, the greatest in the world, through five golden tickets hidden in the bars of chocolate. The poor and sweet boy Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore) finds one, for the pride and joy of his very supportive family, and he spends the day in a mysterious competition for an unknown award with other four nasty boys and girls.
2007-09-04 4:38 am

2007-09-03 21:08:00 補充:
Charlie Bucket and his family sees , is Willy Wonka's factory. One day Willy Wonka open his famous factory and reveal "all of its secrets and magic" to five lucky children who find golden tickets hidden inside Wonka chocolate bars. they can only afford to buy one chocolate bar a year

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