maths 問題 急 急 急

2007-09-04 4:27 am
1)A hawker bought 750 eggs, 25 of them were broken. Find the percentage of eggs that were broken.

2) Peter claims that when a number x is increased by 10%, thevalue of x is unchanged.
His calculation: x(1=10%-10%)=x
Pter is wrong. Point out the mistake.

3) hence find 1+2+3...+1000=?

回答 (3)

2007-09-04 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The percentage of eggs that were broken:
= 25 / 750 x 100%
= 10/3 % (Or 3.3333333333333 ... %)

2. The new value of x:
= x (1 + 10%)
= 1.1x≠x

3. 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 1000
= (1 + 1000) x 1000 / 2
= 1001 x 500
= 500500
2007-09-04 4:36 am


參考: meself
2007-09-04 4:35 am
1) 25/750 * 100% = 3.33%

2) I think the question should be:
Peter claims that when a number x is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10%, the value of x is unchanged.
= .99x

3) 1+2+3+...+1000
=(1 + 1000)x1000/2
= 500500

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