
2007-09-04 3:17 am

回答 (28)

2007-09-04 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

to reduce weight
to lose weight
to cut down one's weight
to wear off the fat
to work off surplus fat
to slim


2007-09-03 19:23:07 補充:
上面幾位朋友都答錯哂!!keep fit=保持身材健康並無減肥既意思。希望你唔好誤會keep fit既意思。
參考: 自己
2007-09-08 6:39 am
keep fit
2007-09-07 5:55 am
「減肥」的英文是keep fit!!!
2007-09-07 5:32 am
to reduce weight;
to lose weight;
to cut down one's weight;
to wear off the fat;
to work off surplus fat; to slim
all can use
「減肥」的英文是Loses weight
2007-09-04 5:51 am
參考: 我要做最佳
2007-09-04 3:23 am
Keep fit / On diet /Reduce weight/ Lose weight/ Cut down one's weight/Wear off the fat/Work off surplus fat/ Slim up
參考: me
2007-09-04 3:21 am


jian fei
ㄐㄧㄢˇ ㄈㄟˊ

1.to reduce weight; to lose weight; to cut down one's weight; to wear off the fat; to work off surplus fat; to slim
參考: yahoo字典
2007-09-04 3:20 am
Keep fit or lose weight
2007-09-04 3:19 am
Keep fit!
參考: Me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:16:25
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