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Q1) .見人地用slide影到偏向綠黃咁 ...比普通菲林飽和高很多, 總之係特別唔同的..點先可以影到咁呢 ? 淨咁用普通傻瓜機用slide影就有呢個效果?
A1) For sure try not to use a point and shoot camera. For the beginner, learn how to bracket exposure is the key because slide film has much smaller exposure latitude than negative film. This is also the main reason, beside processing cost, wedding photographer hardly shoot slide film because it has much less room for exposure error.
A2) Depending on the subject matter. Most of the time photographer shoot slightly over exposed to maintain better highlight detail,
A3) Processing lab should know better than that. But the correct term is E-6 processing. If you need to order prints from slide film, the print is called the R-Print.
A4) Fuji has more vivid green and blue. Yellow is more of a canary yellow.
It is better choice for landscape and scenery.
Kodak is overall warmer in color. Yellow tend to be more orange
instead of canary yellow. I like it better for products photography or portrait works.