入黎分享, 孕婦懷孕6.5個月, 有同事結婚

2007-09-03 10:28 pm
孕婦懷孕6.5個月, 有同事9月結婚可唔可以去架, 聽d人講話唔好去, 點解? 真的嗎? 請分享下. 謝謝!

回答 (3)

2007-09-04 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
according to the chinese tradition, during the wedding, all the good things would go to the couples. Therefore, bad things may happen on others. That's why chinese doesn't want a recent married couple (the same month) to go to another wedding.

However, besides the chinese tradition. It's not very good for a 孕婦 to go for the wedding banquet. The reason is the food may not be suitable for you. Also, too many people walking around or too many people around. It's easy to have accident such as people hitting you. Of course, those are only potential problem and it may not happening at all. That's why people still do it.

For me, I hope you could think if that couple really wants you to come or how close you are with that couple. If they are only colleague without much communication, it's no good to take any risk as the couple will feel guilty and unhappy if anything really happen on you. On the other hand, if they are your good friend and you really want to attend, it's still okay to go, but you better take good cauction of yourself and it's better to have your husband or other friends to be with you all the time.

Hope my idea helps you.
2007-09-04 4:46 pm
根本就係迷信, 邊會有解釋架.... 如果妳驚的, 咪唔好去囉. 仲要問. 科學d, 醫學d 啦, 飲食就會影響BB.
2007-09-03 10:36 pm

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