Estima Aeras S Package

2007-09-03 9:25 pm

我剛䏲中架二手2006 Estima Aeras S Package 2.4l 但點解個engine係七前速而唔係四前速嘅?柑究竟Esima Aeras 2.4 有幾多款同埋係咪有唔同嘅engine架? 如果同行貨嘅同級Previa比,有無分邊隻勁啲? 仲有除咗TOMS website,有無其他改Estima嘅Website?

But when I did a test drive, the triptronic gear will go as high as gear 7 woh! I then checked the engine, it's still a 4-cylinder really puzzled me, can you please elaborate a little bit more?

回答 (2)

2007-09-05 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先要解釋既係, Toyota Previa 係香港行貨版, Toyota Estima 係日本水貨版. (Estima Hybrid 除外)
你所睇個部係水貨版, 日本水貨Estima 2.4 得一款engine, 但唔係7前速, 係行CVT(無段變速機) 3.5版先係行7前速.
香港行貨Previa 同日本水貨Estima 都有2.4版, 但唔同既係, 行貨版行4前速, 水貨行CVT. 3.5行貨版行6前速.
以下網址係wald 改裝公司:

2007-09-05 23:18:37 補充:
I'm not sure the car you have tested whether is a brand-new car or not. You have to notice the difference between import ver. and the hong kong ver. What you do is to check the different by using and
參考: own
2007-09-13 7:00 am
3.5V6並無CVT(扭力太大), 2.4可配4前速自動或7前速CVT.

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