
2007-09-03 6:58 pm
本人最近才用信用咭 (本人用恆生最基本果款信用咭),有以下問題:

1. 假如我今個用要交 $500 咭數, 我見倒脹單寫住最低還款係 $50, 咁係咪即係話我可以今個月交$50, 變左下個月 (i.e.10月) 才交 remaining 的 $450 + 利息?

2. 利息係幾多 % ? 係咪間間銀行都唔同的?

3. 最低還款係咪一定是 $50 ? 例如, 我今個月交左 $100 先, 下個月交 $400 + 利息?

4. 最後,我想問係咪簽脹後的下個再下個月先至要還款的, 因為我8月10日簽左賬,但係今個月(9月)要交的咭數係7月果時簽的, 而我又見倒我全部的總欠款係包埋8月10日那個簽賬,所以,我諗,應該10月先至要還8月10日那簽賬. Is it right?

回答 (4)

2007-09-03 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 無錯 最低還款額就係你可以交的最低數額
交左最低還款額就唔會收late charges
如果你連最低還款額都唔交 下次帳單就會有利息+late charges
如果交左最低還款額 餘數+利息會於下一張單見到

2. 利息每間銀行不同 可以直接問銀行

3. 不一定50 要視乎該帳單總結欠而定
如果你結欠500 今個月找左100 下個月就會係400+利息
不過你要注意就係如果你出左月結單後再有新簽帳 果d數都會有利息的

4. 首先你要知道你帳單結數日係幾時
當你係每個月15號結算日 咁你每個月16號至下月15號都會出一份月結單
16/july - 15/august 會出一份月結單 (當然包括你10/august果張單)
呢張單應該會要求你15/sep前找數 (實際日子睇張單)
如果你計算得準確 可以得到最長既還款期
例如你16/august簽帳就會去到15/oct才需要找數 (還款期長達60日)
2007-09-03 7:35 pm
1. 係, 但你之後的新簽帳也要收利息的。

2. 恆生的基本咭利息應該係28%p.a., 可電 2398 0000 查詢

3. 最低還款係你月結單總結欠的 3% 或 $50, 以較高者為準
你可交多於最低還款, 最低還款只是你最少要交的錢, 交多 d 俾少 d 息

4. 要睇返你張咭幾時截數, 如果你係截數前簽, 就會係當月的月結單見到數, 一般係出單日計 29 日需要找數
如果你張咭係 10 號截數, 你係 11 號簽咭, 就可以有最長的還款期了
2007-09-03 7:31 pm
1. 係, 但某些銀行仲會加收手續費, 通常$100~$200左右.

2. 間間銀行唔同

3. 最低還款額 - 所欠額的某個% (e.g. 5%), 間間銀行唔同,
但如果你簽賬額過低, 最少都要俾$50- ,
如果你簽賬很多, 最低還款額就未必只得$50咁少, 可能$100-, 又可能$200-, 每期賬單都會寫得好清楚
當然, 如果只有$50-, 你可以交多D(e.g. $100), 但今次黎講, 最少要俾$50

4. 賬單上寫明了最後繳款日期同金額, 你要在到期日前繳交~
(簽賬後, 商戶會拿著單跟銀行核對, 如果在你的信用卡截數日前商戶還未去核對, 咁, 你今期咪唔使交住囉~ 但如果對左數, 你就要找架啦~)
參考: 自己
2007-09-03 7:31 pm
1) Yes.

2) Regarding the interest rate to be applied on your remaining unpaid balance (i.e. $450 ), you need to check it out with the credit card issuing bank. Every bank charges differently according to the "Terms and Conditions" governing the use of credit card. Some banks may print the rate on the back of your statement, usually over 30% p.a..

3) No. Each bank may define its own "minimum repayment amount".

4) The interest-free period may be up to 54 days which is counted from the date you purchase the goods by means of credit card. For example, if you paid by credit card on 10th Aug 2007, you are allowed to repay this amount to the bank on or before 3rd Oct 2007. When this amount appears on your October statement and by that time you only pay the minimum payment amount, the bank will start charging you interest from 10th August 2007 (the date you use the credit card) until payment is actually received by the bank. My advice is always pay the statement balance not the minimum balance.

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