咩係"The end justify the means"?

2007-09-03 2:02 pm

咩係"The end justify the means"?

回答 (2)

2007-09-03 3:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
actually this a quite philosophical quoting:

The basic interpretation of "the end justifies the means" is:

"At the beginning of an action I might not be able to determine whether that action is morally right or wrong, but when the morally right goal is successfully achieved, then the steps which led to it must be morally right too."

When a little twist is introduced to this interpretation, it becomes:

"I shall do a minor evil to achieve a greater good."
"My aim for greater good makes all the evils I have done right."

所以意思其實應該是話你的結果會合理化你做事的過程,例如,你的目標是成為一個富豪,但你期間不擇手段,end justifies means原本的意思是話因為你道德上正確的目標已達到,所以所用的方法也是道德上允可的,但今天的意思大多被解作由於你的結果已經達到,方法其實不重要或者過程中作的壞事是可被接受的~

2007-09-03 2:16 pm
參考: 自己

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