US customs

2007-09-03 10:55 am
Is it ok to bring mooncake to US?

回答 (3)

2007-09-04 3:10 pm
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I simply don't understand why HK people like to bring foodstuff into the US. We have practically abundant supply of food ,even mooncakes made by Maxim's, Saint Honore etc . The US Customs Service is very strict on bringing food & agricultural products into their country. When you arrive you must fill in a customs form in which you must declare what you bring into the country. You can try to cheat & lie about what you have in your belongings but my advice is not to do so because once you are found to have lied to any federal officwer you will be fined & probably blacklisted. The consequence is you may encounter trouble whenever you go through checkpoints again.
My mother once brought in dried orange peels without my knowledge several years ago and when the customs officer asked whehter she brought in any friuts, dried seafood etc she answered in the affirmative. They confiscated the orange peels and told her there would be no fine because she was HONEST. Having lived on the US for >10 yrs I've found there are more & more chinese food on the market so there is no need to bring along stuff which are available here .
2007-09-03 10:37 pm
US customs banned cakes made in China with egg yolk 蛋黃 since last year。 If you bring mooncake to the US and customs found you have mooncake, you have to show they are not made in China, and they do not contain 蛋黃.
2007-09-03 12:31 pm
no problem if you put your mooncake it your baggage 寄倉..

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