How fast can you run in bare feet?

2007-09-03 2:10 am
... Relative to your running speed in (1) athletic shoes, (2) flip-flops?

And does it feel natural or uncomfortable to you? Both outdoors and indoors?

I'm asking this question because of the common practice - among girls at least - of taking off your shoes to run faster barefoot. I can understand this with high heels, but flip-flops? Just walking on gravel hurts my feet so much that I can honestly say I move about a LOT faster in flip-flops.

I'm starting to think that walking barefoot, like learning languages, is something that you pick up easier when you're a kid ;)


... walking barefoot outdoors, I mean, since I'm always barefoot INdoors

回答 (11)

2007-09-03 2:18 am
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i can run wAY faster barefoot than w/ flip flops on. i'm pretty much ok with the gravel because ever since i was little i would always run around with my cousins EVERYWHERE barefoot. you just have to kind of take lighter steps on the gravel (and the lighter steps actually speed you up a bit).

lol good question!

but yes, i can still run faster in athletic shoes than barefoot (duh)

2007-09-04 3:31 pm
I run faster in bare feet. Maybe it is because my feet are free of their prison that they work better. It is a natural feeling and is good with sprinting and endurance running. Thanks to my bare feet I once won the inter-school running championships, take that Nike!.
2007-09-03 2:21 am
On grass - I run the fastest barefoot, then sneakers, then flip-flops (especially if it's wet dewy grass)
On pavement - I run best in flip-flops, then sneakers, then barefoot (it hurts my feet and scratches the bottom of my feet)
Otherwise it depends on the material I'm running on. But I prefer to run barefoot - it feels the most natural.
Hope I helped! =]
2007-09-03 2:20 am
I run a lot faster barefoot.

But i guess it depends on the terrain.

Interesting question. lol.
2007-09-03 2:18 am
I run faster barefoot. Flip-flops slap around too much for me to run at all, and shoes don't let me feel the ground which for some reason makes a difference to me.
2007-09-03 2:17 am
i always run faster in barefeet than any other shoe..i think its cause i ran around as a kid with no shoes all summer have to put shoes on was the worst punishment
2007-09-03 3:13 pm
I run best barefoot, I haven't worn footwear of any kind for over ten years and I can hardly walk in it any more. Flipflops have never been good for running, they're so easy to lose!
2007-09-03 2:26 am
i run about a 7-minute mile in my nike running shoes, when i run on like a rubbery turf track.
i tried a mile on the turf with just socks, and i was around 20-30 sec. faster.

it's just because my feet felt cooler and lighter, i think.
2007-09-03 2:22 am
i can probably run the fastes barefoote - idk y
2016-05-20 10:16 am
well maybe, but try not to run in areas where there are alot of mysterious or not mysterious objects on the ground. If your feet have a cut then it can be infected and you'll probably not have the decision to run bare foot or not again. So If I was you I'll get those five finger bare-feet shoes.
2007-09-03 2:15 am
I run faster in skate-style shoes, really. I don't feel comfortable in athletic shoes. But, running completely barefoot is easiest for me, 'specially easier then running in flip flops.

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