I would like to know how to make New York fries.?

2007-09-02 8:58 pm
Greately appreciate for a detailed receipe. Because I'm a fries mania. Thank you!

回答 (2)

2007-09-02 9:03 pm
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New York Fries:

You've probably seen the oil soaked version of these fries in restaurants and thought how nice they must be - well, here's a way to make them at home, in a healthy way! Cut four potatoes into wedges, leaving the skin on. Spray lightly with olive oil and sprinkle with pepper and red paprika and toss to combine. Place a wire rack over a baking dish and place potatoes on the rack. Bake at 180C until brown and crisp. Serve with a large green salad. Serves 4.
2007-09-02 9:24 pm
Four large potatoes (i like idaho best)
Olive oil cooking spray
freshly ground black pepper
garlic salt

Chop the potatoes into wedges, leaving skin on. Arrange in a greased pan and spray with cooking spray. Sprinkle pepper, paprika, and garlic salt and toss with tongs to combine. Bake at 350*F. for 25 to 20 minutes or until crisp and crackling. Serve warm with hambergers or steak. (And Catsup! Lots and lots of Catsup)


參考: My stepdad is from New York and he used to work in a restaraunt, so he converted it to be more healthful. Although i wish i lived in new york. Here in Phoenix its been over 110 for almost two weeks!! :(

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