CPU Temperature

2007-09-03 6:09 am
When I checked the BIOS of my computer today, I found that the CPU temperature is almost 80℃. Is it normal or relatively high?

回答 (1)

2007-09-03 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's relatively high without anying loading, so what cpu you are using or you can download other software to check the cpu temperature(e.g; speedfan)

2007-09-03 00:31:16 補充:
I am using PD 805, Full loading is around 6x℃,you better change a CPU cooler!

2007-09-03 22:42:45 補充:
It's normal for P4 630 at around 54℃ (unloading) to 59℃ (with loading) try add a case fan at cpu air intake side it may be helpful!
參考: self

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