
2007-09-03 5:16 am
我家中有2部電腦,1部desktop & 1部notebook.一直上網都沒有問題,最近出現問題.notebook不能上網,desktop可以.我都不知道怎解?有時過一段時間又冇事.請問什麼情況會出現這樣的情況???


回答 (1)

2007-09-03 1:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Oops... I missed the title - 無線上網問題... ignore my questions...

There could be many factors....
1, interference - wireless signal is radio frequency and the one from router could be affected by 2.4Ghz wireless telephone, microwave or other objects with similar frequency, for example your neighbour just bought a wireless router. How to correct this? Login to the router and change the default channel 11 to 2 or something else. (refer to the manual for the correct IP and instructions of how to change channel)

2, spyware - some spywares can block users accessing internet. Run spyware program to see if you are affected.

3, Windows update - personal experience... after update completed, internet was down, had to reset router manually. (but this is not what you experienced as your connection is on and off)

hope this helps

2007-09-04 11:02:24 補充:
If I am not mistaken, you were trying to set a password to protect your wireless network but it seems to me that you set an administrative password to prevent others logging into your router.

2007-09-04 11:12:04 補充:
To protect your wireless network being hacked, WEP or WPA encryption will keep most of the hackers away (some of them would be smart enough to get through even though it is password protected). Anyway, back to your question...

2007-09-04 11:17:49 補充:
Your wireless connection dropped might be related to weak signal or interference. Try method 1 should fix it, but most importantly you need to tighten your wireless security. Hide SSID (network name), enable WEP or WPA key and use MAC filtering.

2007-09-04 11:21:52 補充:
Login to your router (default gateway) and goto the wireless setting to setup the WEP or WPA encryption and MAC filtering.
參考: IP knowledge

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