English ~correct word , incorrect place

2007-09-03 12:10 am
Some of the words in each sentence have been put in the wrong order. Try to underline the two works which should change places with each other in order to make sence.
Rewrite them correctly.
e.g. ___Today __ is raining ___it____ .
____It is raining today.______

!. Mary put her purse in her money .
2. Peter lives the near housing estate.
3. Every student has quiet be to in the library.

回答 (2)

2007-09-03 12:34 am
1. Mary put her money in her purse.

2. Peter lives near the housing estate.

3. Every student has to be quiet in the library.

4. Annie likes to play basketball.

5. My grandmother usually goes to bed early .

6. The dog bit the postman.

7. keep the grass off!

8. l'm sorry l've kept you waiting.

參考: 自己
2007-09-03 12:16 am
!. Mary put her purse in her money .

Mary put her money in her purse

2. Peter lives the near housing estate.

Peter lives near the housing estate

3. Every student has quiet be to in the library.

Every student has to be quiet in the library.

2007-09-02 16:37:06 補充:
put 在 現在,過去,過去分詞都是 put !!!!4.Annie likes to play basketball.5.My grandmother usually goes to bed early6.The dog bit the postman 7. Keep off the grass 8. 估計:I'm sorry, I have kept you waiting
參考: Me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:16:40
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