
2007-09-02 11:02 pm

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2007-09-02 11:15 pm
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Charlie is unable to convince Raymond that not all highway driving is dangerous, and he is forced to use two-lane highways for the remainder of the trip (it is surprising that someone with such a highly-developed knowledge of road fatality statistics as Raymond Babbitt didn't know that road accidents are statistically least likely on highways). The two spend the next day at a roadside motel because Raymond will not go outside when it rains.

During the trip, Raymond's routines bewilder the people he meets and often frustrate Charlie, whose mind is focused on money. Examples include:

At a restaurant, a waitress (played by Bonnie Hunt) is slightly puzzled when Raymond says her name and home phone number. He had read and memorized up to the letter G — halfway through G — in the residential directory of a phone book the previous night. Charlie is able to convince the waitress that Raymond means well, and she seems slightly impressed. Later, the waitress drops a box of toothpicks, spilling its contents, prompting Raymond to instantly calculate the number of toothpicks on the floor (246). Charlie thinks his brother is wrong (since the box is a 250-count size), until the waitress says that four of the toothpicks remained in the box.

At this same restaurant, Raymond wants pancakes and maple syrup. He discovers he doesn't have his toothpicks, nor has the syrup been brought to the table. Charlie informs him that at a restaurant, people use forks to eat and assures him that the syrup will be placed at the table when the meal comes; Raymond replies that at the institution, the syrup is always placed on the table before the meal and it would be too late if it is brought afterward. He persists with his argument, prompting Charlie to grab him by the neck and tell him to "stop acting like a retard." Charlie is further annoyed when Raymond writes about the incident — "Squeezed and pulled and hurt" his neck in 1988 — in a red spiral notebook (Raymond had used the notebook to "document" such incidents, often exaggerating what happened).

Raymond constantly repeats the "Who's on First?" routine when Charlie is upset with him. This annoys Charlie, especially since Raymond does not understand the punchline and his repetition of it strips it of its comic meaning.

Raymond shows echolalic tendencies when he does his impression of a line ("97X. BAM! The future of Rock 'n' Roll!"), said by a D.J., all morning, much to Charlie's annoyance.

At a small town (filmed in Guthrie, Oklahoma) intersection controlled by a stoplight, Raymond stops in the middle of a crosswalk after the "Don't Walk" light begins flashing, causing traffic to back up and angering motorists. Charlie frantically guides Raymond across the sidewalk as one of them approaches Raymond in a threatening manner. This refers to a rather literal approach to rule implementation that some people on the autistic spectrum have.

One day it rains. Raymond insists they stay at the hotel and watch TV. They end up watching several game shows, including The $25,000 Pyramid.

As they are traveling down a rural road, Raymond reminds Charlie that The People's Court is about to start. With no towns in sight, Charlie is forced to ask a local resident to allow his brother to watch TV. He first poses as a representative from a television ratings firm to conduct a survey, but the cover is quickly blown as a very anxious Raymond begins peeking in the windows and worrying that he'll miss "Judge Wapner", forcing an embarrassed Charlie to explain the situation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:12:44
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