
2007-09-02 8:56 pm
問題1:We are nearly there! We_________become the winners!
填a:can b:will c:should 填咩上去
問題2:You shouldn't spend too much time watching TV. IT ___become a bad habit.
填a:can b:will c:should 填咩上去
問題3:Don't listen to loud music so much. You______become deaf.
填a:can b:will c:should 填咩上去
問題4:Don't eat too much fried food. You________become fat.
填a:can b:will c:should 填咩上去
問題5:She likes children.She__________become ateacher.
填a:can b:will c:should 填咩上去

回答 (4)

2007-09-02 9:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
問題1:We are nearly there! We "(wiill)" become the winners!
問題2:You shouldn't spend too much time watching TV. IT "(can)" become a bad habit.
問題3:Don't listen to loud music so much. You "(will)" become deaf.
問題4:Don't eat too much fried food. You "(can)" become fat.
問題5:She likes children.She "(will)" become a teacher.

2007-09-02 11:25 pm
1. will
2. can
3. can
4. can
5. should
參考: me
2007-09-02 9:01 pm

I hope it is right, I'm a F.7 student.
2007-09-02 9:00 pm
1. c. should
2. a. can
3. b. will
4. b. will
5. b. will

2007-09-02 13:01:44 補充:
3 & 4 應該係 a. can ~

2007-09-02 13:04:58 補充:
不過我都唔係太 sure ~
參考: meee

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