
2007-09-02 8:15 pm
1.kill time (v.)(line 4)

2.miss (v.)(line 8)

3.angry (adj.)(line 10)


5.bilingual (adj.)(line10)

回答 (2)

2007-09-02 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.kill time (v.)(line 4)
I went to Taikoo Shopping Mall but I did not buy anything. I just wanted to kill time.

2.miss (v.)(line 8)
Miss CHAN will leave our school to continue her study overseas next year. We shall miss her very much.

3.angry (adj.)(line 10)
Adam played football in the garden and broke a glass of a window. his mother was very angry.

When we get new program patches from Microsoft, we have to update our Window software of our pc.

5.bilingual (adj.)(line10)
This dvd is bilingual, you can watch in in English or Cantones.

(Hope you can find them useful)
2007-09-03 3:21 pm
1. I went to the shopping centre but I did not buy anything. I just wanted to kill time.

2. Mr. CHEUNG will leave our school to teach in another school. We shall miss him a lot.

3. Alex played baseball in the backyard and broke a glass. His mother was very angry.

4. When my friend gave me their new addresses. I updated my address book.

5. This picture is bilingual, you can watch them in in English or Cantonese.

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