is he real?

2007-09-02 3:11 am
ok im really confused and im not sure if god is really up there on one hand god is real and everything but on the other i dont kno :(. i want to belive & every thing but im not sure do we have lives after this life do we live this life do we turn into a animal when we die do we die and just lie in the ground for the rest of your life? Do we go to heaven/hell and if so what is it like? im 13 and confused someone please tell me what to do! :'(( i want to belive :'((

by the way im methodist did i spell that right we dont go 2 church alot though

回答 (27)

2007-09-02 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Honey... you're just starting out life as an adult...

Advice: don't believe everything you hear.... but be open to listening to everything. Not everyone has your best interests at heart.

Ever heard the phrase: "If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it's a duck" ??

It means if something sounds hokey to you, it probably is.

You can surf the internet on different religions/beliefs and read about them. Try to read information that is from a 3rd party and non-biased ... for example, if you're reading about christianity, don't read what a christian or even a non-christian has written.... read articles and books which were written from a neutral 3rd party.

Don't worry about heaven/hell..... just research and you'll see what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'.... you're intelligent and you have a brain: use it.
2007-09-02 10:15 am
He is real to me. I love God. I believe in Jesus.
No one can tell you what to do. You have to look in your heart and decide for yourself. I wish you all the best.
2007-09-02 10:22 am
Find some one to talk to in person about this. I'm guessing you don't go to church. Do you know someone who you think is a Christian by what they say or do? Could you ask them about these things? I'm guessing your parents aren't Christians or you'd be asking them, right, but maybe you have a relative who is and you can turn to them.

Just to let you know, God is real, there is life after death, and you can be free of this fear if you give your life to Jesus. If you seek God you will find him because he is already seeking you.
2007-09-02 10:16 am
"It's far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan.

Theism is comforting, but in no way true. If you're into faith and spirituality, believe it. If you trust science, reason, and logic, then don't believe him. Don't be afraid. Christians want you to fear hell, but don't fall for it.
2007-09-02 10:18 am
Huh. I wanted to believe too. Badly. I am an atheist now.
2007-09-02 10:18 am
Ignore those telling you God is not real. He most definitely is. He sent His Son Jesus to die for you. He loves you and wants you to spend eternity with Him. Pray and ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and save you.
2007-09-02 10:17 am
God is real but the made up God that religion talks about is just nonsense.

Love and blessings Don
2007-09-02 10:16 am
GOd is real and so is Jesus....

just ask Jesus to come into your heart and make himself known to you....

read the testament first...and learn who Jesus is....

ask questions to people who know about god....
2007-09-02 10:20 am
Good questions all. You may notice that there's much difference of opinion on these matters.

Here's a thought for you to consider:

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."
--Albert Einstein
2007-09-02 10:20 am
You truly have to decide for yourself, hon.
I believe. I'm four years older, and I wondered at your age, too, even when I went to church on a regular basis.
But if God is the God the church claims him to be, he will forgive your doubts in the end.
2007-09-02 10:17 am
Yes, God and Jesus are real. i dont think we turn into animals when we die but who knows? Heaven and Hell are real to. The Bible is proof of that
2007-09-04 2:06 am
God is real. I felt the same way about things when i was 13. you just pray and ask jesus to show you the things your not sure about.
2007-09-03 6:32 pm
Well, I'm not religious but I'm not atheist either, so here's my two cents:

No one can ever know whether God is real or not. There's no point in being confused about the afterlife because it's a question that no one alive can answer. Those who really know are gone from us forever.

Do I believe there is a god? Yes, I do. I believe in fate and forces beyond human control/above scientific principles. I'm a devoted scientist, but I would never rule out the possibility that "god" might be responsible for the universe and its properties as we know them.

Do I associate morality with god? I don't know and frankly speaking, I think it's irrelevant to ponder this question. I shall uphold my morals because I think it's the right thing to do, not because god will punish me.

And do I believe in the afterlife? Actually, I do, but I don't have any reasons for it.

Maybe you should stop trying to "reason" over this question because religion has no room for reason. If you want to believe, then believe. If you want to be logical, then follow my route and accept the fact that there are questions that can never be answered. =)

... By the way, Lil' Mama's answer contains some of the funniest nonsense I have ever read. So Jesus designs heaven so that no one there is underweight or overweight, and doesn't like pimples or glasses??? And if you want a tattoo, "just ask Him"... Honestly -___-
參考: P.S. Thanks for adding me to your contacts. That's how I found your question ^_^
2007-09-03 4:26 am
Having God, or Gods in your life is a personal choice in my opinion, I believe in myself, it's enough for me.
2007-09-02 10:57 am
he's a real as you believe him to be. I do beleive it in my heart but you have to read the word yourself to get an understanding on how great he really is.
2007-09-02 10:53 am
yes, he is real. he loves you, and he knows you, and if you pray to him, he will answer you.
2007-09-02 10:33 am
no one can give you a definite answer to whether god is real. no matter how much one side wants to claim one way or the other, none of them have any solid proof. all any of them have is belief.
you will have to figure this one out for yourself. you will have to search yourself to find your answer. if you have been raised in the christian faith, then seek out the advice and guidance of your pastor or youth leader. if they are knowledgable and compassionate, they will understand your concerns and help you to find the answers you seek. otherwise, go to an adult you trust and respect and talk to them about their spiritual path. they may have gone through the same doubts.
i hop you find your true path.
參考: pagan and proud
2007-09-02 10:32 am
God is "up there." After we die, we go to heaven to be with Him for eternity, if you trust that God can save you from your sins. Reincarnation (turning into animals after death) doesn't exist.

If you truly, truly want to know Jesus, pray and ask him to be your savior and go to a local church for more information.
2007-09-02 10:30 am
I am 13 also. Yes he is real. You should belive. If you are saved you will go to Heaven if you are not you will go to Hell. We do have a forever lasting life after this one. Hell is so NOT the place you want to go at all!!! You will be burned in a river of fire, be abused by the Devil, naked I think, really hot, and dying for water or something to drink and see dark all the time and some people call it the 2nd death. Heaven is really where you want to be. Everyone is nice, there is a street of gold, gates of peral, not one is over or under weight, you are able to ask question with it being the real truth, light all the time, God will heal all tears and injuges, and happyness all the time. Yes, you are how Jesus wants to be witch is the way you was born your normal hair color, no tattos, no peircings, and stuff like that and I think no glasses or pimples eigther and there will be no cuts or bruces or nothing. If you really wanted a tatto or something don't worry it will all be worth it when your up in Heaven and I also think you will get your memory back other wise how are you going to ask the questions God asks? If we ever come to Earth again I'm sure we are still human. No we do not turn into an animal lol and we do not just lay there. Just belive no matter what people say belive and if you have the felling you are not beliving just fight it and say "yes I do belive he is up there and with him in Heaven is where I want to be when I die" and you'll be fine. I sometimes wonder about God to, but over all I still belive in him. Don't worry about dieing, because then death might come to your door (that's what some people say).
參考: In case you want prayer to be saved (go to Heaven no matter what because it's like he's with you and he can't got to Hell) this is the prayer: Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I want you to forgive my sins and be in my heart, and save me from all that is bad forever, thank you Jesus, Amen. In case you want to know what "from all that is bad" means it's not really suppose to mean by getting picked on and teased somewhere it is suppose mean Hell. Just say it and you'll be suprized when you die. Good luck and God bless!! =).
2007-09-02 10:27 am
Why are you confused? Forget about everything else except God. Ask him if he is real. But you must ask with a sincere heart, as if your asking your own father. Believe and repent.

All the other stuff will come about and make sense after you first acknowledge God. At that point you'll see God's word in a new light. But trying to figure out all that other stuff you mentioned is useless at this point.
2007-09-02 10:21 am
At 13, you need to focus on living,
not dying.
By the time you're ready for the
casket, most of your questions will
have answers.
God bless you and may your fears
2007-09-02 10:19 am
It's good that you're confused; you're not rash enough to make premature decisions.
2007-09-02 10:19 am
Energy and mass never disappear from the universe. They may separate or change form from one to the other, but can never be completely destroyed. The Energy that is You, goes on even when its physical vehicle wears out. We are creatures of thought and memory more than anything else. Both, can achieve a new vehicle in order to do what thought and memory have always been about, attaining knowledge and wisdom.
2007-09-02 10:24 am
The simple answer? There probably isn't a god. The idea of a "god" is a human-created myth, not a fact.

What happens when you die? Nothing happens. You - the thinking you - stop existing.

Don't try to imagine it, because you can't. Just think of it as being like sleeping, only without any thinking involved.
Being dead is not painful or unpleasent. Don't worry about it.
2007-09-02 10:21 am
Ignore those telling you God is real. He most definitely is not. He did not sent His Son Jesus to die for you. He does not loves you and want you to spend eternity with Him. Dont bother to pray and ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life. It would be a waste of time to ask Him to forgive you of your sins and save you.
2007-09-02 10:19 am
religion causes more problems then it fixes. People like to believe there is a god because it's comforting, and it gives us something to look forward to when we die. If I were you, i'd take a break from religion and focus on other things. Read a book by Richard Dawkins!
2007-09-02 10:20 am
Stick with practical reality the supernatural never really works it only fools people into a false security and comfort that are not actually real.

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