
2007-09-02 7:10 am
如沒有安裝freehand和quark, 手上又有freehand/quark的 file,


回答 (2)

2007-09-10 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可以叫做果個轉eps 比你, 但要小心, 因為如果就咁開 有機會走位
或者d 圖散開一舊舊, 如果你只用黎睇, 可以叫做果個 export eps,
咁你就咁import 入去個illustrator 只for 睇同print only, 唔可以改
而亦可以叫做果個export 做pdf file, 咁你記得改既時侯唔好用illustrator
改, 如果要改一係叫做果條友改, 一係就用acrobat 加pitshop 去改
咁就冇走位呀果d 野出現, 但要記得叫佢export 時唔好轉rgb
2007-09-08 5:47 pm
Freehand file. Ask the file creator to save the Freehand file as eps format so you can open it in Illustrator

Quark file: Again, ask the creator to save the file into Quark 4 and you should be able to open it in InDesign CS

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