Would like to open an account at AVIVA

2007-09-02 5:54 am
I don't think AVIVA can open an account from them, how can I get a plan ?

回答 (2)

2007-09-02 9:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well, you have decided to open the investment a/c at AVIVA, then have you well study the plan from your friends as reference? Do you sure what kind of charges are included and the funds performance in past years? I am sorry to ask too much but, I think, these are very important information for consideration before take action.

I know AVIVA is the subsidary company of DBS, you may try to get the information from any branch of DBS Bank.

If you want to have a comparison with other funds performance from other company, e.g. Manulife, please feel free to contact me by either mobile (9161 4067) or email (maurinechan@yahoo.com.hk), I am glad to share the information with you.
2007-09-02 9:13 pm
AVIVA 2 有個 Distribution Channels:

1. DBS (星展銀行)
2. IFA (獨立理財顧問)

你是那一類計劃呢?Here is the wewbsite:

IFA 的話,我可以比資料你;DBS 的,,要去星展那邊問。
參考: 財富管理論壇(討論區) http://financial.3forum.hk

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