Physics Heat and internal engery 問題

2007-09-02 4:10 am
1. 點解要heat 從high temperature transfer to low temperature object? 有冇得解?

2. 其實hotness 係唔係主觀? 因為要depend on 你自己ge temperature?

3. Heat is not store in an object, 咁temperature different 個陣點解有heat 從high temperature transfer to low temperature object??

4. Heat 從邊到來?

回答 (1)

2007-09-02 4:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Heat is transferred from a higher temperature body to a lower temperature body, 冇得 解!!因是定義(definition).

要先定義了HEAT的意思, 才能深入研究.這就如要先了解遊戲規則, 才能懂得玩一樣.

2. Hotness 可以話係主觀.

如大街上的鐵欄杆與樹木過了一晚後, 兩者溫度應該一樣. 但摸它們時會感到鐵欄杆較凍. 這與熱的傳導作用(conduction of heat)有關.

但hotness其實是客觀的. 我們可從溫度(temperautre)的高低作比較.因temperature is the degree of hotness.

3. Heat energy 如捐善款. 本身我們銀包裡的不叫做善款, 只有捐給慈善機構時才會稱善款.
Energy is called heat only when it is transferred from a higher temperautre body to a lower temperature body亦一樣.

4. 同上

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