
2007-09-02 12:34 am
DIANA佢既成就除左係1982年生左First bady Prince Willian 同係1984年生左second bady Prince Harry 之外.....就係佢有一個好善良既心啦....She met people including men and little children , 佢去安哥拉同波斯尼亞--探望一d因為中地雷而冇左只腳..冇左只手或者係小朋友. 此外...Diana仲去幫有愛滋病的人..為左令d人明白同愛滋病既人接觸係一件冇問題既事<令d人唔好再歧視有愛滋病既人> Diana佢去同一位患有愛滋病既人握手...並同佢一齊合照...為大家做左個典範..令d人明白正確既觀念,,因為Diana likes to do charity works.....(佢係由佢study in High-school 開始做charity works既....) ...而佢成為王妃之後...都經常去做charity works...佢lee個舉動感染左好多市民大眾....令好多既人都喜歡上她....心得民心

回答 (2)

2007-09-03 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Besides giving birth of her first and second children, namely Prince William in 1982 and Prince Harry in 1984, Princess Diana also had another achieve as having a good heart. She had visited people from different classes and ages such as those who had lost parts of their bodies in accidents of the landmines in Angola and Bosnia. Furthermore, she gave her helping hand to the HIV infected people in attempt to eliminate the prejudice to those HIV-infected individuals. She set a model by shaking hand and being in the same pictures with one of the HIV-infected in order to let others realize the harmlessness of contact with the former (and learn the right concept). Since her life at high school Diana was involved in charity works, and this action continued even after she became Princess of Wales. Such an effort did touch many others and had won their hearts.

嘗試用英文文句去寫, 唔一定要直譯.

2007-09-03 00:46:28 補充:
Besides giving birth of her first and second children, namely Prince William in 1982 and Prince Harry in 1984, Princess Diana also had another achieve as having a good heart. 'achieve' should be 'achievement'
參考: me + dictionary
2007-09-02 12:43 am
拿 ! 唔 知 岩 唔 岩 ga ~~有 d 查 唔 到 ~
DIANA 佢 already achievement except was left is in 1982 lives
left First bady Prince the Willian fellow-students of the same
department in 1984 to live outside left second bady Prince Harry....
Is 佢 has good good already heart... She met people including men and
little children, 佢 goes to the Angolan same frequency 斯尼亞 --
to visit d because of the center land mine but 冇 the left foot. 冇
the left hand or is the child.In addition.. Diana Zhong helps the person which has the AIDS. For the d person was left understood same AIDS already person 接觸係
冇 question already matter Diana 佢 goes to the identical position
to contract the AIDS already person to shake hand.. And with 佢 in
once group photo.. Makes the left model for everybody. Is understood
the correct already idea the d person, because Diana likes to do
charity works..... (佢 is starts by 佢 study in High-school to make
charity works already....) .. But after 佢 becomes princess.. All
frequently makes charity works.. 佢 a lee action infects the left
many residential populace... All is already liked on her many
people... Attainment popular sentiment

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