
2007-09-01 9:38 pm


仲有,我想問寫日記時,係用past tense 定present tense??
應該係,i felt happy today 定i feel happy today??

and 我想講去旅行,覺得巴黎好靚,
咁我應該話i went to paris and there was beautiful
定i went to paris and there is beautiful??


回答 (4)

2007-09-01 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He calls under me the year to come back to make the summer labor again

If he knew I made the mistake actually, I thought he could not say like this

寫日記時,當然用past tense.因為系過左去既事

I want to say travel, thought Paris good dresses up
參考: 自己
2007-09-01 11:35 pm
He asked me to come back for summer job next year.

I don't think he'll say this if he realised how many wrong-doings I've done.

寫日記時用past tense: I felt happy today.

I went to Paris and it was beautiful/ I travelled in Paris and it was beautiful.
參考: me
2007-09-01 10:17 pm
1. He / She asked me to come back to work next summer

2. I think he/she wouldn't say that if he knew I have done many things wrongly

寫日記其實應該用past tense, 因為事情已經過去左, 所以應該係" I felt happy today"
而"去旅行,覺得巴黎好靚"就係i went to paris and there (it) was beautiful
參考: me :)
2007-09-01 10:05 pm
He asks me to come and do the summer job again next year./
He asked me to come and do the summer job again the following year.

If he knew I had done so many wrong things, he wouldn't say this.

3.寫日記用past tense.

4. I have been to Paris before. It was such a beautiful place.
參考: me

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