急急急!英文重組生字 20分

2007-09-01 8:42 pm
1.Funny drawings which are made into moving pictures.(tonoracs)
2.A play with many episodes written for TV.(mdraa resesi)
3.Moving pictures with recorded sound that tell a story.(viosme)
4.People play games or answer questions to win prizes on these programmes.(mega wsohs)
5.Programmes where the presenter talks with famous people in front of an audience.(thac wshos)

回答 (4)

2007-09-01 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Cartoons
2) Drama Series
3) Movies
4) Game Shows
5) I think the spellins are wrong, this one should be Talk Shows
2007-09-11 1:39 am
5) The answer is Chat Shows.
2007-09-02 3:22 am
1) cartoons
2) drama series
3) movies
4) game shows
5) chat shows
2007-09-01 8:56 pm
according to your spelling,

(5) should be "chat shows"

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