eng!! teach me!!

2007-09-01 10:32 am
mary's boss upbraided her for being late.
Why the word" being" is added between for and late?

回答 (2)

2007-09-01 5:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為late是形容詞,所以就不可以直接說成,for late
Mary's boss upbraided her for her being late.
Mary's boss upbraided her for her lateness.
2007-09-01 10:45 am
being 係is,am,are的1個form(present continue tense)

present continue tense can be use as noun..

mary's boss upbraided her for (being late)
mary is late..=sentence中的being late

is 因為係當NOUN,所以change做present continue tense= being!

2007-09-01 02:48:31 補充:
present continue tense can be use as noun..e.g.drawing,dancing,cooking..只要verb 係present continue tense就可以係noun!!

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