how can i show a 13 yr. old shy guy that i like him...?

2007-09-01 2:08 am
without being too obvious and without having anybody ELSE around realize it?

<3 thanks a bunch <3

回答 (12)

2007-09-01 4:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
a good way to get to know him is by (acidentally) meeting him as in sayinmg hi or just bumping into him after that just take a deep breath and calm down then you introduce your self and hang out with him alot maybe after a week or so if he doesn't ask you out go in for the kill(ask him out) and you;ll all live happily ever after lol oh weel hope i helped
2007-09-01 2:12 am
Well, if you like him you shouldnt care if people see.
But, if your like that...
1. Write him a note and just hand it to him and walk away.
2. See him in private.
3. say hi to him and smile.
Flirt in other words.
2007-09-01 2:10 am
Why don't you just get his AIM or something and talk to him on that.. it will be easier for you and him, seeing as hes shy.
2007-09-03 2:47 am
Hahaha, some of these answers are really funny to me since I'm 18 now. But I've been 13 too and I still act like a 13-year-old quite a lot so I can answer, can't I?? =pp

I didn't start "dating" until I was 16, and by "dating", I really mean "liking someone romantically and having that person like me back". But I met him when I was 12 and we were very good friends for 4 years before we actually admitted our more-than-friends feelings. It didn't really matter though. I think we were really happy as best friends, and we're back to being best friends now (reason = long distance, heh, but it might flare up again in the future, who knows? ^.^)

So what I'd advise you to do is simply to treat him like a friend, get to know him better, become someone he trusts and put your trust in him too. Trust me, you'll be really happy just as friends. BEST friends.

As for HOW you can become friends with him without being really obvious... well, I can tell you what I did: I roped him into being my partner for projects and such. That way I got to talk to him a lot (hey, it's just homework *wink*) and even got to go to his house (again, "just homework" =p). And of course, in the name of homework again, I got his MSN name too and we started chatting (MSN = what people outside the US use instead of AIM).

So, um, good luck. And, sorry to FINALLY sound old, but 13 really is too young to be truly romantically involved, so that's one more reason why you should start as friends ~_^

Heeheehee, those "I was the hottest girl" answers... some girls have really BIG egos, eh? -_-
2007-09-01 2:33 am
Gotta say I agree with layla--but kels has the answere that is baasiccly what happend to me only 7th grade and i wasnt ONE of the hottest girls--i was the hottest girl lol...but yeah aim really helps--they dont have to worry bout there friends and they can be themselves--you should go on aim and say like your really nice or your really easy for me to talk to--stuff that'll make him feel more comftorable with you--ttyl!
2007-09-01 2:13 am
u should write a letter to him and saying that u like him no pressure pleas dont tell body about this letter and when ur done put it in his locker
2007-09-01 2:13 am
well start out by being friends with him. get to noe him, u noe da main things. when he starts to be a little bit outgoing with you, that's when u go on the next level and flirt. well sum1 will notice dat u like him but myt not even care, so 4get all the eyebawling and gossip. if u like the guy, u lk him. wut does nebody have 2 do wit dat.
good luck :]
2007-09-01 2:12 am
y dont u want anyone to know? if he likes u back and u start going out, everyone is going to know and gossip is going to rise up and problems MIGHT start and not a good thing...
2007-09-01 2:12 am
go and talk to him, invite him somewhere romantic that nobody will can see and boder you
2007-09-01 2:12 am
Make eye contact with him. Constantly. If he says something funny, laugh and make eye contact. You see, eye contact is the key here. If he likes you back, he won't look away whenever you catch his gaze, but he'll stare back at you. If he says something to you or asks you something, respond in a bit of a flirty way. Good luck.
2007-09-01 2:11 am
easy, walk over to him and say hello.... spark up a conversation from there and see where things goes....
2007-09-01 2:11 am
hmmm me and my bf are 13, and we started going out by talking about school and how i was one of the hottest girls in 8th grade are something so yeahh. talk about school

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