So who's coming to H3LL with me?

2007-08-31 8:58 am

greeeeeeeeeat answers!

回答 (24)

2007-08-31 12:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I must be, you just got me to reply to an Avatar Game ............. I'm doomed, doomed I tell you.

Oh hang on, I can't be, I don't believe in heaven or hell so can't go there

Phewwwww, what a relief
2007-09-03 10:35 am
I'll take your ticket ma'am, welcome to hell... now on your left we have a special viewing ov little nicky starring our own adolf hitler and to the right you see concessions and restroom, but straight down....... ah, now That's where the party begins! lol, hey i think i got it down now. i'm ready to start my new job ov ticket taker, lol.
參考: i've been married, derr. got the gold watch and the T-shirt that says. "my dad went to hell and all i got was this crummy t-shirt!" lol
2007-08-31 6:18 pm
Well probably me.... actually yeah I'm going! If Adrian D for Damn is going I'm going too! I mean I was going to be forced to go before, but now i think I'll like it down there!
2007-08-31 5:30 pm
I'm sure you have lots of company already so have fun. Ha ha
2007-08-31 4:33 pm
not me been there got kicked out for selling ice cubes
2007-08-31 4:28 pm
The last couple of months I think I've gotten a head start...
2007-08-31 2:10 pm
I feel as though I have been there this summer with all this dreadful heat. I think I'll pass.LOL
2007-08-31 11:53 am
I'm goin h3ll riding on a crap wagon pulled by a retarded horse! You can ride with me if you want, the fanning of the flies wings will cool you off!
2007-08-31 9:09 am
Only if we can get there in a handbasket full of bran muffins!
2007-08-31 9:09 am
Sorry I'm not in to hot humid weather. But if I could spend eternity with ya there I think I could learn to tolerate it.

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